Acasa -> Monede si bancnote -> Monede (NCLT) cunoscute -> Europa -> Germania -> 10 Euro -> 2012-2013 [ Romana] [ English] [ Italiano]

Monede (NCLT) cunoscute din Germania

Doar monede cu valoarea nominala de 10 Euro din 2012-2013.

10 Euro
2012 [#308]
14g Argint 925
Friedrich der Grosse, 300th Anniversary of Birth
Head of Friedrich the Great facing left/Stylized eagle, stars, country name, denomination and date

10 Euro
2012 [#309]
German Argo Action, 50th Anniversary of
Sprouting seedling/Stylized eagle, stars, country name, denomination and date

10 Euro
2012 [#310]
14g Argint 925
Brothers Grimm, 200th Anniversary
Conjoined heads of Grimm Brothers facing left/Stylized eagle, stars, country name, denomination and date

10 Euro
2012 [#311]
14g Argint 925
German National Library, 100th Anniversary
Head facing left, design/Stylized eagle, country name, denomination and date

10 Euro
2012 [#312]
Gerhart Hauptmann, 150th Anniversary of Birth
Head of Gerhart Hauptmann/Stylized eagle, stars country name, denomination and date

10 Euro
2013 [#316]
18g Argint 925
Richard Wagner, 200th Anniversary of Birth

10 Euro
2013 [#317]
18g Argint 925
Freidrich III

10 Euro
2012 [#318]
16g Argint 925
Georg Buchner, 200th Anniversary of Birth

10 Euro
2013 [#319]
16g Argint 925
Heinrich Herz, Electric Rays, 125th Anniversary

10 Euro
2013 [#320]
16g Argint 925
Red Cross, 150th Anniversary

10 Euro
2013 [#321]
16g Argint 925
German Fairy Tales - Snow White

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