Homepage -> Monete e banconote -> Monete conosciute -> America -> Repubblica Dominicana | [ Romana] [ English] [ Italiano] |
1 centavo 1877 [#3] Alama Date/Denomination within wreath |
2.5 centavos 1877 [#4] Cupro-nichel Denomination/Cross within wreath |
5 centavos 1877 [#5] Cupro-nichel Open book/Denomination within wreath |
125 centavos 1882 - 1888 [#6] Cupro-nichel Shielded arms/Denomination within wreath |
2.5 centavos 1882 [#7.1] Cupro-nichel Small book with cross on shield/Denomination within wreath |
2.5 centavos 1888 [#7.2] Cupro-nichel Large book with thin cross on shield, small date/Denomination within wreath |
2.5 centavos 1888 [#7.3] Cupro-nichel Large book with thick cross on shield, large date/Star flanked by privy marks |
2.5 centavos 1888 [#7.4] Cupro-nichel Large book with thick cross on shield, large date/Star flanked by Hs |
5 centesimos 1891 [#8] Bronz Shielded arms within wreath/Denomination within wreath |
10 centesimos 1891 [#9] Bronz Shielded arms within wreath/Denomination within wreath |
50 centesimos 1891 [#10] 2.5g Argento 835 Shielded arms within wreath/Head left |
1 Franco 1891 [#11] 5g Argento 835 Shielded arms within wreath/Head left |
5 Francos 1891 [#12] 25g Argento 900 Shielded arms within wreath/Head left |
10 centavos 1897 [#13] 2.5g Argento 350 Shielded arms within wreath/Head left |
20 centavos 1897 [#14] 5g Argento 350 Shielded arms within wreath/Head left |
50 centavos 1897 [#15] 12.5g Argento 350 Shielded arms within wreath/Head left |
1 Peso 1897 [#16] 25g Argento 350 Shielded arms within wreath/Head left |
1 centavo 1937 - 1961 [#17] Bronz National arms/Palm tree divides denomination and weight, date below |
5 centavos 1937 - 1974 [#18] Cupro-nichel National arms/Profile of native princess left divides denomination and weight, date below |
5 centavos 1944 [#18a] 5g Argento 350 National arms/Profile of native princess left divides denomination and weight, date below |
10 centavos 1937 - 1961 [#19] 2.5g Argento 900 National arms/Profile of native princess left divides denomination and weight |
10 centavos 1967 - 1975 [#19a] Cupro-nichel National arms/Profile of native princess left divides denomination and weight, date below |
25 centavos 1937 - 1961 [#20] 6.25g Argento 900 National arms/Profile of native princess left divides denomination and weight, date below |
25 centavos 1937 - 1972 [#20a.1] Cupro-nichel National arms/Profile of native princess left divides denomination and weight, date below |
25 centavos 1937 - 1974 [#20a.2] Cupro-nichel National arms/Profile of native princess left divides denomination and weight, date below |
50 centavos 1937 - 1961 [#21] 12.5g Argento 900 National arms/Profile of native princess left divides denomination and weight |
50 centavos 1937 - 1968 [#21a.1] Cupro-nichel National arms/Profile of native princess left divides denomination and weight |
50 centavos 1973 - 1975 [#21a.2] Cupro-nichel National arms/Profile of native princess left divides denomination and weight |
1 Peso 1939 - 1952 [#22] 26.7g Argento 900 National arms/HP below head of native princess left |
1 Peso 1955 [#23] 26.7g Argento 900 25th Anniversary of Trujillo Regime National arms/Bust right divides date and denomination |
1 centavo 1963 [#25] Bronz 100th Anniversary - Restoration of the Republic National arms, date below/Taino Indian divides denomination and weight, date below |
5 centavos 1963 [#26] Cupro-nichel 100th Anniversary - Restoration of the Republic National arms, two dates below/Profile of native princess left divides denomination and weight, date below |
10 centavos 1967 [#27] 2.5g Argento 650 100th Anniversary - Restoration of the Republic National arms/Profile of native princess left divides denomination and weight |
25 centavos 1963 [#28] 6.25g Argento 650 100th Anniversary - Restoration of the Republic National arms, two dates below/Profile of native princess left divides denomination and weight, date below |
50 centavos 1963 [#29] 12.5g Argento 650 100th Anniversary - Restoration of the Republic National arms/Profile of native princess left divides denomination and weight |
1 Peso 1963 [#30] 26.7g Argento 650 100th Anniversary - Restoration of the Republic Memorial legend around national arms, two dates below/Profile of native princess left divides denomination and weight, date below |
1 centavo 1968 - 1975 [#31] Bronz National arms/Profile of native princess left divides denomination and weight, date below |
1 centavo 1969 [#32] Bronz F.A.O. National arms, date below/Profile of native princess left divides denomination and weight, date below |
1 Peso 1969 [#33] Cupro-nichel 125th Anniversary of the Republic Memorial legend around national arms, two dates below/Pueblo entrance within circle holding legend divides denomination and weight, date below |
1 Peso 1972 [#34] 26.7g Argento 900 25th Anniversary - Central Bank Memorial legend around national arms/Bank door in inner circle divides denomination and weight, date below |
1 Peso 1974 [#35] 26.7g Argento 900 12th Central American and Caribbean Games National arms without memorial legend/Coat of arms within circle, on map, denomination and date below |
10 Pesos 1975 [#37] 28g Argento 900 International Bankers Conference - First Hispaniola Coinage of Carlos and Johanna National arms, denomination and date below/Arms of Castille in inner ring |
10 Pesos 1975 [#38] 29.99g Argento 900 Taino Art National arms/Ancient figurine Pueblo Viejo Mine divides dates, date below |
1 centavo 1976 [#40] Bronz Centennial - Death of Juan Pablo Duarte National arms, two dates below/Bust facing divides denomination and weight, date below |
5 centavos 1976 [#41] Cupro-nichel Centennial - Death of Juan Pablo Duarte National arms, two dates below/Bust facing divides denomination and weight, date below |
10 centavos 1976 [#42] Cupro-nichel Centennial - Death of Juan Pablo Duarte National arms/Bust facing, date below |
25 centavos 1976 [#43] Cupro-nichel Centennial - Death of Juan Pablo Duarte National arms, two dates below/Bust facing divides denomination and weight, date below |
50 centavos 1976 [#44] Cupro-nichel Centennial - Death of Juan Pablo Duarte National arms, two dates below/Bust facing divides denomination and weight, date below |
1 Peso 1976 [#45] Cupro-nichel Centennial - Death of Juan Pablo Duarte National arms, two dates below/Bust facing divides denomination and weight, date below |
30 Pesos 1977 [#46] 77.99g Argento 925 30th Anniversary of Central Bank National arms, denomination at left, date below/Bank building, two dates below |
1 centavo 1978 - 1981 [#48] Bronz Death of Juan Pablo Duarte National arms without memorial legend/Bust facing divides denomination and weight, date below |
5 centavos 1978 - 1981 [#49] Cupro-nichel National arms without memorial legend/Bust facing divides denomination and weight, date below |
10 centavos 1978 - 1981 [#50] Cupro-nichel National arms/Bust facing divides denomination and weight, date below |
25 centavos 1978 - 1981 [#51] Cupro-nichel National arms without memorial legend/Bust facing divides denomination and weight, date below |
50 centavos 1978 - 1981 [#52] Cupro-nichel National arms without memorial legend/Bust facing divides denomination and weight, date below |
1 Peso 1978 - 1981 [#53] Cupro-nichel National arms without memorial legend/Bust facing divides denomination and weight, date below |
25 Pesos 1979 [#54] 64.99g Argento 925 Pope John Paul IIs Visit National arms, denomination below/Bust left, Vatican City and date at left |
10 Pesos 1982 [#57] 23.33g Argento 925 International Year of the Child National arms/1/2 length figure of child drawing a house, small logos at left and right |
5 centavos 1983 - 1987 [#59] Cupro-nichel Human Rights National arms/Conjoined busts right, denomination above |
5 centavos 1983 - 1986 [#59a] 5g Argento 900 Human Rights National arms/Conjoined busts right, denomination above |
10 centavos 1983 - 1987 [#60] Cupro-nichel Human Rights National arms, date below/Head left, denomination above |
10 centavos 1983 - 1986 [#60a] 2.5g Argento 900 Human Rights National arms/Head left, denomination above |
25 centavos 1983 - 1986 [#61.1] Cupro-nichel Human Rights National arms, date below, denomination at left/ |
25 centavos 1983 - 1984 [#61.1a] 6.25g Argento 900 Human Rights National arms/Profile of the Mirabel sisters left |
25 centavos 1986 - 1987 [#61.2] Cupro-nichel Human Rights National arms, date below, denomination at left/ |
25 centavos 1986 [#61.2a] 0g Argento 000 Human Rights National arms/Profile of the Mirabel sisters left |
50 centavos 1983 - 1984 [#62.1] Cupro-nichel Human Rights National arms, date below, denomination at left/Three profiles right |
50 centavos 1983 - 1984 [#62.1a] 12.5g Argento 900 Human Rights National arms, date below/Three profiles right |
50 centavos 1986 - 1987 [#62.2] Cupro-nichel Human Rights National arms, date below, denomination at left/Three profiles right |
50 centavos 1986 [#62.2a] 12.5g Argento 900 Human rights National arms, date below/3 profiles right |
1 Peso 1983 - 1984 [#63.1] Cupro-nichel Human Rights National arms, date below, denomination at left/Three profiles right |
1 Peso 1983 - 1984 [#63.1a] 17g Argento 900 Human Rights National arms, denomination/Three profiles right |
1 Peso 1986 [#63.2] Cupro-nichel Human Rights National arms, date below, denomination at left/Three profiles right |
1 centavo 1984 - 1987 [#64] Zinc placat cu cupru Human Rights National arms/Bust of Caonabo right |
1 centavo 1984 - 1986 [#64a] 2g Argento 900 Human Rights National arms/Bust of Caonabo right |
1 Peso 1986 [#65] Nickel bonded steel 15th Central American and Caribbean Games National arms, date below, denomination at left/St. George and coat of arms |
1 Peso 1986 [#65a] Cupro-nichel 15th Central American and Caribbean Games National arms, denomination/St. George and coat of arms |
1 Peso 1986 [#65b] Cupro-nichel 15th Central American and Caribbean Games National arms and denomination/St. George and coat of arms |
1 Peso 1988 [#66] Cupro-nichel 500th Anniversary - Discovery and Evangelization National arms, date below, denomination at left/3 ships at sea, date below |
1 Peso 1988 [#66a] 21.1g Argento 999 500th Anniversary - Discovery and Evangelization Denomination, national arms/3 ships at sea |
100 Pesos 1988 [#67] 155.48g Argento 999 Discovery of America - Native Americans |
5 centavos 1989 [#69] Nickel clad steel Native Culture National arms, date below/Native drummer, denomination at left |
5 centavos 1989 [#69a] 5.83g Argento 925 Native Culture National arms, date below/Native drummer, denomination at left |
10 centavos 1989 - 1991 [#70] Nickel clad steel National arms, date below/Indigenous fruits and vegetables divide denomination |
10 centavos 1989 [#70a] 2.9g Argento 925 National arms/Indigenous fruits and vegetables divide denomination |
25 centavos 1989 - 1991 [#71.1] Nickel clad steel Native Culture National arms, date below/Two oxen pulling cart, denomination above |
25 centavos 1989 [#71.1a] 6.74g Argento 925 Native Culture National arms/Two oxen pulling cart |
25 centavos 1990 [#71.2] Nickel clad steel Native Culture National arms, date below/Two oxen pulling cart, denomination above |
1 centavo 1989 [#72] Zinc placat cu cupru National arms, date below/Triangular artifact, denomination below |
1 centavo 1989 [#72a] 3.7g Argento 925 National arms, date below/Triangular artifact |
50 centavos 1989 [#73.1] Nickel clad steel National Culture National arms/Beacon at Colon |
50 centavos 1989 [#73.1a] 14.65g Argento 925 National Culture National arms/Beacon at Colon |
50 centavos 1990 [#73.2] Nickel clad steel National Culture National arms, date below/Beacon at Colon, denomination at left |
1 Peso 1989 [#74] Cupro-nichel 500th Anniversary - Discovery and Evangelization Denomination, national arms/Sailship landing |
1 Peso 1989 [#74a] 31.1g Argento 999 500th Anniversary - Discovery and Evangelization Denomination, national arms/Sailship landing |
100 Pesos 1989 [#75] 155.48g Argento 999 500th Anniversary of Discovery and Evangelization of America Arms/Columbus and crew, date below |
1 Peso 1990 [#77] Cupro-nichel 500th Anniversary - Discovery and Evangelization National arms, date below, denomination at left/Two standing figures, date below |
1 Peso 1990 [#77a] 31.1g Argento 999 500th Anniversary - Discovery and Evangelization National arms and denomination/Two standing figures |
100 Pesos 1990 [#78] 155.48g Argento 999 500th Anniversary of Discovery and Evangelization of America National arms/Building a stockade, date below |
1 Peso 1991 - 1992 [#80.1] Alama Juan Pablo Duarte National arms and denomination/DUARTE on bust 3/4 left, date below |
1 Peso 1992 - 2008 [#80.2] Alama Juan Pablo Duarte National arms and denomination/DUARTE below bust, date below |
1 Peso 1997 [#80.3] Alama Juan Pablo Duarte National arms and denomination/DUARTE below bust |
1 Peso 1991 [#81] Cupro-nichel Pinzon brothers on ship at sea National arms, date below, denomination at left/Conjoined busts 3/4 left, on ship at sea, date below |
1 Peso 1991 [#81a] 31.1g Argento 999 Pinzon brothers on ship at sea Denomination, national arms/Conjoined busts left on ship at sea |
1 Peso 1992 [#82] Cupro-nichel Christopher Columbus National arms, date below, denomination at left/Bust 3/4 left, date below |
1 Peso 1992 [#82a] 31.1g Argento 999 Christopher Columbus Denomination, national arms/Bust 3/4 left |
100 Pesos 1991 [#83] 155.51g Argento 999 500th Anniversary of Discovery and Evangelization of America National arms/Columbus Presenting Native American to Court |
100 Pesos 1992 [#84] 155.51g Argento 999 500th Anniversary - Discovery and Evangelization of America National arms/Columbus bust left, and anchored ship, date below |
1 Peso 1995 [#87] Cupro-nichel UN - Peace National arms, stars flank date below, denomination at left,/UN logo, two doves, two dates above |
1 Peso 1995 [#87a] 28.44g Argento 925 UN - Peace Denomination, arms, stars/UN logo, two doves |
5 Pesos 1997 [#88] Bimetal 50th Anniversary - Central Bank Denomination and national arms within circle, date below/Head facing within circle, two dates below |
5 Pesos 2002 - 2008 [#89] Bimetal Sanchez National arms and denomination/Portrait facing within circle, date below |
1 Peso 2003 [#90] Cupro-nichel Pan American Games logo/National arms and denomination |
10 Pesos 2000 [#91] 2.45g Argento 999 National arms/St. Andrews Chapel |
10 Pesos 2000 [#92] 2.45g Argento 999 National arms/Our Lady of Carmen Church |
10 Pesos 2000 [#93] 2.45g Argento 999 National arms/Regina Angelorum Church |
10 Pesos 2000 [#94] 2.45g Argento 999 National arms/Chapel of the Remedies |
10 Pesos 2000 [#95] 2.45g Argento 999 National arms/St. Lazarus Church |
10 Pesos 2000 [#96] 2.45g Argento 999 National arms/St. Michaels Church |
10 Pesos 2000 [#97] 2.45g Argento 999 National arms/Church of Santa Barbara |
10 Pesos 2000 [#98] 2.45g Argento 999 National arms/Our Lady of the Rosary Church |
10 Pesos 2000 [#99] 2.45g Argento 999 National arms/Church of Banica |
10 Pesos 2000 [#100] 2.45g Argento 999 National arms/Church of Boya |
10 Pesos 2000 [#101] 2.45g Argento 999 National arms/Santo Domingo Cathedral |
10 Pesos 2000 [#102] 2.45g Argento 999 National arms/Holy Cross Cathedral of El Seibo |
10 Pesos 2000 [#103] 2.45g Argento 999 National arms/Higney Sanctuary |
50 Pesos 1997 [#104] 28.35g Argento 925 50th Anniversary - Central Bank National arms/Seated woman holding up coin |
10 Pesos 2005 - 2010 [#106] Bimetal Value at left of national arms/Bust of General Mella facing |
25 Pesos 2005 - 2008 [#107] Cupro-nichel Value at left of national arms/Bust of General Luperon facing |
1 Peso 2008 [#NKMA] Magnetic |
Vedi anche:
Totale 130 monete da Repubblica Dominicana nelconosciute tra quali ho 43 (33%).