Homepage -> Monete e banconote -> Monete (da circulazione) mancante -> Europa -> Spagna -> 200 Pesetas [ Romana] [ English] [ Italiano]

Monete (da circulazione) mancante, Spagna

Solamente monete con il nominale di 200 Pesetas.

200 Pesetas
1987 [#830]
Madrid Numismatic Exposition
Head left/Value divides sprigs

200 Pesetas
1993 [#923]
Juan Luis Vives
Feather and designs within circle/Bust facing and crowned design within circle

200 Pesetas
1994 [#936]
Velasquez and Goya Paintings
Three figures within circle/Kneeling figures with umbrella within circle

200 Pesetas
1995 [#951]
Murillo and El Greco paintings
Standing figures within circle/Child and lamb within circle

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