Homepage -> Monete e banconote -> Monete mancante -> America -> Repubblica Dominicana -> 1 centavo [ Romana] [ English] [ Italiano]

Monete mancante, Repubblica Dominicana

Solamente monete con il nominale di 1 centavo.

1 centavo
1877 [#3]
Date/Denomination within wreath

1 centavo
1937 - 1961 [#17]
National arms/Palm tree divides denomination and weight, date below

1 centavo
1976 [#40]
Centennial - Death of Juan Pablo Duarte
National arms, two dates below/Bust facing divides denomination and weight, date below

1 centavo
1984 - 1986 [#64a]
2g Argento 900
Human Rights
National arms/Bust of Caonabo right

1 centavo
1989 [#72]
Zinc placat cu cupru
National arms, date below/Triangular artifact, denomination below

1 centavo
1989 [#72a]
3.7g Argento 925
National arms, date below/Triangular artifact

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