Homepage -> Monete e banconote -> Monete mancante -> Europa -> Repubblica Democratica Tedesca -> 20 MDN [ Romana] [ English] [ Italiano]

Monete mancante, Repubblica Democratica Tedesca

Solamente monete con il nominale di 20 MDN.

20 MDN
1966 [#16.1]
20.9g Argento 800
250th Anniversary - Death of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
State emblem, denomination/Bust right, dates below

20 MDN
1966 [#16.2]
20.9g Argento 800
250th Anniversary - Death of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
State emblem, denomination/Bust right

20 MDN
1967 [#18.1]
20.9g Argento 800
200th Anniversary - Birth of Wilhelm von Humboldt
State emblem, denomination/Head with high collar left, dates below

20 MDN
1967 [#18.2]
20.9g Argento 800
State emblem, denomination/Head with high collar left, dates below

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