Homepage -> Monete e banconote -> Monete mancante -> Europa -> Russia -> 10 Rublei -> 2004-2005 [ Romana] [ English] [ Italiano]

Monete mancante, Russia

Solamente monete con il nominale di 10 Rublei dal 2004-2005.

10 Rublei
2004 [#824]
Town of Ryazhsk
Value with latent image in zero within circle and sprigs/City view and crowned shield within circle

10 Rublei
2005 [#943]
Large value/City of Kazan and arms

10 Rublei
2005 [#945]
Large value/City of Mzensk and shield

10 Rublei
2005 [#946]
Large value/City of Kaliningrad and shield

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