Home -> Coins and banknotes -> My banknote collection -> Americas -> El Salvador | [ Romana] [ English] [ Italiano] |
1 Colon (24 oct) 1972 [#115] 22 nov 2019 |
1 Colon (19 mar) 1980 [#125a] Three signatures Normal style serial number 24 may 2019 |
1 Colon (20 jun) 1979 [#125b] Three signatures Electronic style serial number 27 nov 2010 |
5 Colones (23 dec) 1977 [#126] 19 sep 2018 |
5 Colones (19 jun) 1980 [#132A] Three signatures 2 nov 2014 |
1 Colon (3 jun) 1982 [#133A] Two signatures 11 mar 2011 |
5 Colones (25 aug) 1983 [#134a] Two signatures Smaller digits in serial number 23 sep 2019 |
5 Colones (17 mar) 1988 [#134b] Two signatures Taller digits in serial number 21 jan 2015 |
5 Colones (16 may) 1990 [#138] 2 nov 2014 |
5 Colones 1998 [#147] 23 jun 2014 |
Total of 10 banknotes from El Salvador in my personal collection.