Home -> Coins and banknotes -> My banknote collection -> Asia -> Syria | [ Romana] [ English] [ Italiano] |
5 Livres (1 sep) 1939 [#41d] V-shaped overprint 30 dec 2006 |
5 piastres (15 jul) 1942 [#49] 9 oct 2010 |
1 Pound 1982 [#93] 8 may 2008 |
1 Pound 1977 [#99] 3 oct 2009 |
5 Pounds 1991 [#100] 12 aug 2001 |
10 Pounds 1991 [#101] 12 aug 2001 |
25 Pounds 1991 [#102] 8 may 2008 |
50 Pounds 1991 [#103] 11 mar 2011 |
100 Pounds 1990 [#104] 21 may 2011 |
500 Pounds 1992 [#105] 9 oct 2010 |
50 Pounds 1998 [#107] 30 dec 2006 |
100 Pounds 1998 [#108] 27 jul 2010 |
200 Pounds 1997 [#109] 19 nov 2014 |
500 Pounds 1998 [#110] Taller serial number at left 21 jan 2015 |
500 Pounds 1998 [#110c] Shorter serial number at left; small map below Syria; leaves above text on back 24 nov 2017 |
1000 Pounds 1997 [#111b] Equal size serial number; no small map on back below SYRIA 19 may 2017 |
1000 Pounds 1998 [#111c] Serial number in ascending size digits; with small map on back below SYRIA 15 jul 2022 |
50 Pounds 2009 [#112] 13 nov 2010 |
100 Pounds 2009 [#113] Serial number in ascending size digits 13 nov 2010 |
100 Pounds 2019 [#113] Serial number in equal size digits 13 dec 2021 |
200 Pounds 2009 [#114] 13 nov 2010 |
500 Pounds 2013 [#115] 19 nov 2014 |
1000 Pounds 2013 [#116] 14 oct 2015 |
2000 Pounds 2015 [#117] 14 oct 2017 |
5000 Pounds 2019 [#118] 27 jun 2021 |
Total of 25 banknotes from Syria in my personal collection.