Home -> Coins and banknotes -> My banknote collection -> Europe -> Slovakia -> 20 Slovenskych Korun [ Romana] [ English] [ Italiano]

My banknote collection from Slovakia

Only banknotes valued at 20 Slovenskych Korun.

20 Slovenskych Korun
(1 sep) 1993 [#20a]
Security thread to the left; printer: B A BANKNOTE; date next to printed area
17 jul 1997

20 Slovenskych Korun
(31 oct) 1997 [#20b-c]
Security thread closer to center; printer: B A BANKNOTE; date next to printed area
30 nov 2003

20 Slovenskych Korun
(1 jul) 1999 [#20d-e]
Security thread closer to center; printer: B A BANKNOTE; small space between date and printed area
10 feb 2009

20 Slovenskych Korun
(6 sep) 2004 [#20f]
5 feb 2012

20 Slovenskych Korun
(20 oct) 2006 [#20g]
Printer: PWPW SA
14 oct 2013

20 Slovenskych Korun
2000 [#34]
New Millenium
13 nov 2010